We view our global Supply Chain as an extension of our business.

IQE’s responsible supply chain management prioritises the protection of both people and the environment, reflecting our ongoing commitment to doing business in a responsible manner. Our suppliers share this commitment to ethical sourcing practices and are key partners in our journey to achieving our vision and goals. We expect our supply chain partners to uphold the same high standards as IQE leaders and employees, and always to act in an ethical, efficient and transparent manner to safeguard the wellbeing of our people and communities.

In our dealings with customers we strive to:

  • Be open and honest about our products and services and communicate with customers all appropriate information they need to make informed decisions;
  • Ensure that any issues or problems are dealt with efficiently, with fairness and in a timely manner;
  • Working closely with customers and potential customers to help us improve the value of the products and services we offer them;
  • Ensuring that we benchmark and evaluate what we do in order to continuously improve products and services in the marketplace.

In our dealings with suppliers we strive to:

  • Identify and select suppliers using fair and reasonable methodologies;
  • Identify and use suppliers who operate to ethical business standards;
  • Work closely with suppliers to help us improve the value of the products and services we offer customers for the benefit of the supply chain.

In order to uphold our high standards of ethical procurement all our supply chain staff are regularly trained in the IQE Code of Business Ethics and Conduct. View our Supplier Code of Conduct.

Human Rights & Anti-Slavery

IQE is committed to respecting the human rights of all those working with or for us. We do not accept any form of child or forced labour and we will not do business with anyone who fails to uphold these standards. IQE has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all of its business dealings and relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in its business or in any of its supply chains. The Modern Slavery Act addresses the role of businesses in preventing modern slavery within their organisations and in their supply chains. IQE has developed and implemented policies to comply with the requirements of the UK’s Modern Slavery Act. View our Anti-Slavery Statement.

Ethical Procurement

Responsible Sourcing and Avoidance of Conflict Minerals

IQE is committed to ensuring our products do not incorporate conflict minerals, which are minerals smelted into tin, tantalum, tungsten and gold sourced from entities that directly or indirectly finance conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo or adjoining countries. IQE’s dedicated management team with senior executive oversight works to directly engage our supply chain on responsible sourcing practices.

IQE is a member of multi-stakeholder initiatives such as the Responsible Minerals Initiative, which is focused on driving supply chain responsibility and transparency. Through these actions, IQE is meeting and exceeding regulatory, customer and societal expectations and is a critical contributor to the greater industry solution of supporting conflict-free minerals and supply chains.

IQE requires its suppliers to:

  • Perform sufficient due diligence into their respective supply chains to determine whether products sold to us contain tin, tantalum, tungsten or gold, and, if so, whether and to what extent those metals are sourced from conflict-free smelters;
  • Report to IQE the results of such due diligence to enable IQE to comply with its legal obligations and policy goals;
  • Commit to being or becoming "conflict-free" so that any such metals are sourced only from conflict-free smelters.

Use of Rare Earth Metals

IQE does not currently use any Rare Earth Metals for any of its volume production products. Small quantities (less than 1% of total raw material spend) is procured for research and development projects and for such projects a minimum of six months’ supply is available.

Supplier Terms and Conditions

View our Supplier Terms & Conditions