Longer wavelength photonics (typically >1100 nm) based on InP have a long-standing history for telecom and datacom applications.
IQE has been a technology leader in this area for over 30 years. In addition, IQE is the world leader in antimonide materials (large area substrates and advanced epitaxy) for longer wavelength niche applications such as infrared detection for defence markets.
GaSb for Photodetectors

Exciting new applications are now evolving for longer wavelength technologies, such as environmental gas sensing, health monitoring, and advanced 3D sensing. IQE is at the forefront of these developments, leveraging its vast experience in InP, GaSb, and dilute nitrides materials as well as quantum dots (GaAs- and InP- based).
Quantum Dots for VCSELs: Long wavelength on 150mm GaAs